Category: China

The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World

Jeffrey D. Sachs’ view on the future shape of the world order,  in “The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World”, describes how regions that once lagged the West in industrialization are now making up for lost time. in his words, “The world economy is experiencing a deep process of economic convergence, according to …

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Radioactive news

August 24th, 2023. Today TEPCO has started releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant. The radioactive water is expected to contaminate the Pacific Ocean first, then to progressively spread to Atlantic and all other seas in the world. The Japan Atomic …

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La bufala dell’auto elettrica

Electric car scam

NOPEN: China captures US NSA cyberspy tool infecting millions devices

Stocks booming in Chinese SWIFT alternative

Following the expulsion of some Russian banks from the international SWIFT bank transfer system, stocks tied to China’s alternative Cross-border Inter-bank Payments System are flying. Stock in Orient Group and HyUnion Holding leapt up 105, while Infosec Technologies and Forms Syntron Information surged a massive 20% on Monday. Some analysts even predicted this could mark …

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La bolla dell’auto elettrica. E, forse, il ritorno dell’idrogeno

C’era una volta l’auto a idrogeno, un’auto estremamente efficiente la cui tecnologia era ampiamente rodata sin dal XIX secolo. L’auto a idrogeno è l’unica dotata di tecnologia assolutamente ecologica, priva di emissioni nocive, l’unica che può consentire la mobilità a cicli chiusi per l’economia circolare, potrebbe contare su una catena di rifornimento capillare e su …

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Funny Pompeo and the former UKUSA empire

Funny from US politicians. It is so amusing to hear the Pompeo’s accusations on Chinese espionage from the words of the Secretary State. USA still are the commander in chief of the (now much waker) UKUSA espionage network, Echelon and its epigons, unveiled in 2001 by the Greenwald/Snowden leaks published by The Guardian. Still now …

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