Category: Europe

The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World

Jeffrey D. Sachs’ view on the future shape of the world order,  in “The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World”, describes how regions that once lagged the West in industrialization are now making up for lost time. in his words, “The world economy is experiencing a deep process of economic convergence, according to …

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Radioactive news

August 24th, 2023. Today TEPCO has started releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant. The radioactive water is expected to contaminate the Pacific Ocean first, then to progressively spread to Atlantic and all other seas in the world. The Japan Atomic …

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War economy: the Ukraine economic shock. EIB report

The EIB’s report on the “Ukraine economic shock” brings to attention the current and future macroeconomy trend in Europe. Pessimistic forecast in all sectors and aspects of life are assigned to the war in Ukraine -though it is to say that the rallies of raw material and energy prices begun in 2021 in concomitance with …

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Bioenergy Insight’s International Biogas Congress & Expo – BRUSSELS – 5-6 JULY 2022

US Gas Wars and the Ukraine Crisis


Fit for 55: l’eterna battaglia sulle emissioni legate ai trasporti

Come avevamo anticipato, si riaccende so scontro tra Commissione Europea e lobby dell’auto, dopo le proposte di taglio totale alle emissioni dal 2035 del piano Fit for 55. L’Associazione Nazionale della Filiera Industria Automobilistica ANFIA “esprime sconcerto e forte preoccupazione per la proposta, prevista nel pacchetto Fit for 55, di inasprire i target di riduzione …

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Big Pharma: NO a liberalizzazione vaccini e garanzie pubbliche per i danni vaccinali nei Paesi poveri

Il parlamento Europeo ha bocciato con 450 voti contrari 162 a favore (153 astenuti) gli emendamenti presentati ieri dagli europarlamentari della sinistra europea – Cornelia Ernst, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Marc Botenga e Katerina Koneçná – che definiscono i vaccini “beni pubblici mondiali garantiti a tutti ”e quello che invita l’Unione Europea a “sostenere l’iniziativa promossa da …

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