About Us

OPUSNET Consulting is a Network Company established in 1997 to provide SMEs and Governments with superior solutions, global services and innovation. We pioneer Circular Economy innovation since 2001. Our approach builds on dynamic interrelationships among business and science to deliver finance, organisation and market solutions, as well as innovation and RTD services, in diverse sectors and areas.

Our Clients benefit from winning strategies, high quality development and effective support to their finance, innovation, marketing, organisation strategy and operational needs. Our modus operandi means multidisciplinary team working of experts leveraging knowledge and results of high-calibre consulting, research, and coaching talents. OPUSNET innovation activities are project-driven and diversely funded, thus ensuring our business and scientific independence. The Business Service Teams deploy unique practice in a reticular organisation, conveying strengths in relevant areas of research and consulting. An agile Network structure enables high-quality business services, independent research and effective interaction with stakeholders and partners.

Our Business Clients operate in the energy, mobility, logistics and transports, manufacturing, food and beverage, tourism, environment and resource management sectors. Leading business organisations, research-oriented corporations and institutions, Universities, NGOs across Europe and MENA participate the OPUSNETwork. Innovation and strategic services are delivered to Governments and European Institutions.

In our Portfolio You will find, among others, the Solutions of Marketing and Digital Marketing, CRM, SRM, Import-Export, ICT, Energy and Resource Management, Corporate and Project Finance, RTD and Innovation Management, Project Management, that best fit Your needs.

Our Global Services are available worldwide and based in Italy and Dubai (UAE), where we partner IICUAE with our Italian Representative to support Italian and European Companies.

Boost performance and success with OPUSNET Solutions and discover the best instruments to grow Your Organisation’s value, assets, strategy and operations.

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L’eco radioattiva di Fukushima

“Ancora oggi sette delle dodici città colpite rimangono parzialmente non accessibili e circa 800 tonnellate di combustibile nucleare fuso restano all’interno dei tre reattori che sono danneggiati. Purtroppo, non si conoscono dati, tecnologie e piani che riguardano la rimozione e la bonifica delle scorie nucleari. Quello che, invece, si sa è che dallo scorso agosto, …

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The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World

Jeffrey D. Sachs’ view on the future shape of the world order,  in “The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World”, describes how regions that once lagged the West in industrialization are now making up for lost time. in his words, “The world economy is experiencing a deep process of economic convergence, according to …

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Radioactive news

August 24th, 2023. Today TEPCO has started releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant. The radioactive water is expected to contaminate the Pacific Ocean first, then to progressively spread to Atlantic and all other seas in the world. The Japan Atomic …

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Real Fed Funds Rate / FFR rally to stop in June 2023. The big crisis coming

Signals from a recent BlacRock paper, confirmed by JP Morgan, show the FED will probably pause at 5.5% on June 14. Because the storm is coming…   Further signals coming from falling tax receipts in the USA leading to debt limit deadline to early June…

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