Tag: Europe

The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World

Jeffrey D. Sachs’ view on the future shape of the world order,  in “The Perils and Promise of the Emerging Multipolar World”, describes how regions that once lagged the West in industrialization are now making up for lost time. in his words, “The world economy is experiencing a deep process of economic convergence, according to …

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US Gas Wars and the Ukraine Crisis


European Commission open calls for application for Expert selection

Open calls for the following Experts: Call for Applications for the Selection of Members of the Commission Expert Group on Interregional Innovation Investments – DG Regional and Urban Policy Continuously open call for applications for the selection of additional members of the sub-groups under the european sustainable shipping forum – DG Mobility and Transport.

Fake news e psy-ops contro Cina e Russia


EC Register of Expert Groups: new call for applications

DG Taxation and Customs of the Eureopan Commission has launched a call for application for the selection of non-government members to the Platform for Tax Good Governance, Aggressive Tax Planning and Double Taxation. Closing on 16 March 2020. Download the Call for applications here.

Vincitori e vinti del Risiko energetico globale

Molte delle recenti e meno recenti crisi geopolitiche traggono origine da fattori energetici, quali l’approvvigionamento, i prezzi, la distribuzione etc. Madalina Sisu Vicari, del Centro di Studi delle Relazioni Internazionali di Liegi ci aggiorna sulla situazione.   Madalina Vicari: Regole, Vincitori e Perdenti del Risiko energetico globale La prospettiva del Falco sul mondo di oggi …

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EU plans to close the gap in high-performance computing

None of the world’s 10 most powerful super computers are currently in the EU, even though our researchers need them to use big data and advance scientific discoveries. On 19 June Parliament’s industry committee voted in favour of supporting a plan to acquire and develop European high-performance computers that would rank among the world’s top …

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