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Systems and Technology

Large and small business faces new challenges in mutable environments today: only continuous monitoring and re-engineering of internal processes can support the effective anticipation of market evolution and competition. OPUSNET experience and know-how supports our Clients’ growth with the best tools for systems and process engineering in their organisation analysis, design and management needs. Our set of unique opportunities to know and manage your company’s strengths and weaknesses can benefit from a free preliminary audit: please, use the form at the bottom of this page to know more about our Organisation Solutions, or ask for a preliminary contact with our experts.

Energy sourcing and management in becoming one of the heaviest challenges for public and private organisations. Oil scenarios suggest to quickly introduce strategic turns in energy management, where the Public hand promotes change and re-engineering while the business players have the responsibility to find out the right solutions in a market where the big pace of change, and the inevitable resistance to it, does not allow a Darwinian selection of effective players, technology and business models. Hence, our Energy and Resources Solutions will help you to clarify needs, assess alternative solutions, invest, customise and manage the right elements for the efficiency and production of the energy you require. Tailored analysis of single and clustered installations in industry and services, will let you discover the full potential of an integrated strategy for energy efficiency and rational use of energy sources, and choice among the wide range of solutions for advanced energy installations (both micro and macro sized), multigeneration, process re-engineering, energy management, training, local energy clusters and closing circles energy sourcing.

The design and development of ICT systems is a crucial issue for any organisation, and SMEs in particular may find difficult to get off-the-shelf solutions on the market or custom software fitting their needs in terms of functionalities, integration, interoperability and price of the system. OPUSNET ICT Solutions are specifically designed for the operational needs of SMEs, with high-end services and products which are carefully integrated and customised in terms of design and business fit, functionalities and usability, price and TCO.

All OPUSNET business lines are operated in conjunction with our Innovation and RTD activities: have a look to them and discover our strengths, approach, working models and business cases.

Contact us for your inquiries on OPUSNET Systems and Technology Solutions.

Energy and Resources

Intelligent use of resources, like water and energy, is fundamental for any industry and OPUSNET can help you choose and manage them with the most effective approach and efficient systems. Our closing circles approach to resources provides the best technology and services to Customers, by custom made and integrated systems to make a rational use …

Information and Communication Technology

OPUSNET ICT Solutions support the business of your company and deliver high quality services to SMEs and large companies. They include: Data and Systems Integration Mobile and Distributed Applications Customer Relationships Management Systems (Distributed) Workflow Management Systems Enterprise Resource Panning Systems and Integration 3G and 4G Communication Networks and Systems Intelligent Transport Systems Staffing Services …

Processes and Organisation

Learning organisations only will win the challenging competition triggered and sustained by global change. OPUSNET enables Customers to keep the pace of innovation and effectively manage their organisation with the folowing services and solutions for all sectors: Busines Process Re-Engineering Systems Analysis, Design, Development and Management Change Management Network and Relationships Management Knowledege and Content …