Category: Sectors

Auto, mercato europeo a picco

L’ultimo editoriale di Quattroruote, di Ottobre 2024, abbandona la tradizionale prudenza nella narrativa delle scelte politiche europee. Il crollo delle vendite ha aperto gli occhi a quanti ancora tentavano di giustificare le draconiane misure di “austerità ecologica” dettate dalle politiche del Green Deal europeo. Il principale giornale automobilistico si allinea alle feroci proteste dei produttori …

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Toyota and BMW to form alliance in fuel cell vehicle manufacturing

ECB Working Paper: The pass-through to inflation of gas price shocks

In a recent report, ECB acknowledges sanctions on Russian goods and assets have caused the surge in  inflation rates all over Europe. “The recent inflation surge in the euro area was significantly influenced by energy prices, particularly gas following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. (…) In comparison to oil price shocks, gas price …

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Betavolt’s 50-year nuclear battery on market

The first Nuclear Power Bank for smartphones is now available on worldwide markets. Betavolt, a Chinese company, announced last January a revolutionary technology for long-lasting nuclear powered batteries, which are now available on the online company’s shop. They claim their Betavolt Powerbank (BV100) can last 50 years and has sufficient power density for charging not …

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COSÌ L’EUROPA SI È MESSA AI MARGINI. L’editoriale semi-pessimista di Quattroruote

L’editoriale di Quattroruote di Agosto 2024, commenta il cambio di paradigma tecnologico, le implicazioni e le contraddizioni della transizione ecologica europea nel settore automotive. Ne risulta una visione moderatamente pessimista, che forse non tiene in debito conto la scarsità di risorse necessarie alla transizione, i problemi delle reti energetiche esistenti e il verdetto del mercato …

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Radioactive news

August 24th, 2023. Today TEPCO has started releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant. The radioactive water is expected to contaminate the Pacific Ocean first, then to progressively spread to Atlantic and all other seas in the world. The Japan Atomic …

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La bufala dell’auto elettrica

Electric car scam