Il parlamento Europeo ha bocciato con 450 voti contrari 162 a favore (153 astenuti) gli emendamenti presentati ieri dagli europarlamentari della sinistra europea – Cornelia Ernst, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Marc Botenga e Katerina Koneçná – che definiscono i vaccini “beni pubblici mondiali garantiti a tutti ”e quello che invita l’Unione Europea a “sostenere l’iniziativa promossa da …
Category: Developing Countries
May 10
COVID obsession: how to raise the dollar denominated debt and privatise the States
The ultimate objectives are to make the external (dollar denominated) debt go fly high in developing Countries, as well as the privatisation of the wealthy States… Never forget the old and new Henry Kissinger’s aphorims: “Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World.” (1974 National Security Council Memorandum) …