E’ stata emanata la circolare MedioCredito Centrale n. 627 del 21 settembre 2012 (Presentazione delle domande a valere sul Fondo di Ingegneria Finanziaria -Misure a sostegno del rafforzamento dei Confidi di II livello tramite controgaranzia- della Regione Marche), con la quale il gestore, con riferimento agli interventi del Fondo di Ingegneria Finanziaria e, in particolare, …
Format: Aside
Sep 23
The potential of small farming
To ensure food security for all, we will have to increase not just food production, but also availability, especially for those living in developing countries. That means breaking down barriers and inequalities, building capacity, and disseminating knowledge. The International Fund for Agricultural Development sees enormous potential in Africa’s agricultural sector, which experienced 4.8% growth in …
Sep 23
Goldman Sachs’ outlook on Italian politics
Goldman Sachs’ last report on the Italian politics and future elections suggests how to get a second mandate for Mario Monti, its former consultant in charge of Prime Minister (through the famous revolving doors, the article tells) by changing the electoral law, MF anticipates. The strategy is the following. “The reform of the electoral law: …
Sep 21
EU Commission to limit food-based biofuels
In a major policy shift, the European Commission has said it wants to cap food-based biofuels to five percent. The new limit was announced during informal talks in Cyprus on Monday between EU energy ministers, Euronews reports. Previously, the EU required bio-fuels to rise to 10% of transport fuels by 2020, and bio-fuels made from …
Sep 21
Oil futures rise
Sep 21
European commission called on probe after CRIIGEN study links GM maize and Roundup to premature death and cancer
The Austrian government calls on the European Commission to review its approval process for genetically modified (GM) food after a controversial French study linked a kind of GM corn to higher health risks in rats. In a study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, researchers led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen have …
Sep 21
The future of FIAT and the past of State aids
A prophecy in 2004, from a friend to Curzio Maltese about Mr. Marchionne the freshly appointed CEO at FIAT, said: “this is the man who will destroy the automotive industry in Italy”. The prophecy comes true, but most of policy makers and journalists show great surprise after years of lauds. 7.6 billion euro State aids …