Tag: European Parliament

Recovery Fund: baratto tra democrazia, diritti umani e bilancio UE

  Raggiunto l’accordo tra i 27 Paesi UE sul bilancio pluriennale in meno di mezzora. Sul tavolo della trattativa viene sacrificata la rule of law, che stabilisce la condizionalità degli aiuti al rispetto delle condizioni democratiche minime e dei diritti umani, che viene di fatto sospesa. Polonia e Ungheria incassano quindi una significativa vittoria (in …

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Member states jeopardising the rule of law will risk losing EU funds

External experts will assist the European Commission in establishing “generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law” and decide on measures that could include suspending EU budget payments or reducing pre-financing.   Member states jeopardising the rule of law will risk losing EU funds | News | European Parliament Member states jeopardising the rule of …

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Circular Economy among the top priorities of the European Union

Discover the legally binding goals and deadlines of the ambitious recycling and landfilling targets for the EU set out in the new circular economy package. Circular economy and waste reduction | News | European Parliament Circular economy and waste reduction | News | European Parliament Find out what the European Parliament is doing to ensure …

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European Parliament plenary session highlights: SOTEU, copyright, rule of law in Hungary, plastics

MEPs discussed the challenges facing the EU during the State of the Union debate and approved digital copyright rules and measures to counter money laundering and cut plastic waste. Plenary highlights: SOTEU, copyright, Hungary, plastics | News | European Parliament Plenary highlights: SOTEU, copyright, Hungary, plastics | News | European Parliament MEPs discussed the challenges …

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