Tag: Economy

Fondo di Garanzia PMI: garanzia diretta nella Regione Lazio

E’ stata emanata la Circolare MCC n. 657/2013  con la quale il MedioCredito Centrale – Banca del Mezzogiorno, comunica che è stata pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 285 del 5 dicembre 2012 la delibera della Conferenza Unificata del 7 novembre 2013. Sono pertanto ammissibili alla garanzia diretta, secondo i criteri e le modalità previste dalle …

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Italy’s world records #5

Last available data from national and international bodies confirm the decline of Italy. GDP dropped at ninth place in the world and an array of negative records are declared by major authorities in these days. Actual jobless people, including those  “discouraged” who are not actively looking for jobs, is around 6 million which is double …

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The birth of the ‘de-Americanized’ world

China has had enough. The Country of Great Wall is working at a “de-Americanized” world. A commentary of Xinhua, a State controlled press agency, explains how and why and launches the idea of Petroyuan. “With its seemingly unrivaled economic and military might, the United States has declared that it has vital national interests to protect …

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USA and the world: what is beyond the debt default

The world is probably living its most dangerous economic era, which begun with the capital off-shoring in the seventies, continued with the great financial bubble from the eighties and is now approaching the next stage of collapse. This is the ultimate crisis and will spread from the USA as in the most recent ones. The …

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Rogue States

The so called “Datagate”, recently boosted by a Glenn Greenwald’s investigation published by  the Guardian, early June, unveils an uncomfortable truth on the UK-USA espionage over world’s communications, and in particular over ‘allied’ European Countries. Since the first allegations moved to USA Embassy in Bruxelles over phone tapping, computer hacking and bugs at the European Commision’s …

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Self-fulfilling prophecies

Italy seizing up in a Mediobanca Security report to its customers, uncovered by ilfattoquotidiano.it.   Mediobanca Securities report from ilfattoquotidiano The Country is also in the “blacklist” of European peripheral States —Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy—  where Constitutions with “a strong socialist influence” might put them at the center of the debt crisis, a J. …

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Poverty nearly doubled in Italy, 2006-2013

615 new poor persons a day from 2006 to 2013, Confcommercio calculated. 2.5 million “absolute poors” in 2006 grew to 4 million in January 2013, as indicated by the new Misery Index presented Friday, 22 by Confcommercio  in Cernobbio. Income of 90% of Italian workers is below 35.600 euro, 28.000 people only earn more than …

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