Category: Innovation

Economia Circolare: ritorno al passato con lo ‘sblocca-cantieri’

Lo sblocca-cantieri non sblocca l’economia circolare Lo sblocca-cantieri non sblocca l’economia circolare L’intento voleva essere positivo ma, una norma poco chiara contenuta nel decreto sblocca cantieri, rischia di tenere bloccata l’economia circolare. Source:

Bando Fabbrica intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze vita

Apre il prossimo 22 gennaio 2019 lo sportello per la presentazione delle proposte progettuali a valere sul Bando “Fabbrica intelligente”, “Agrifood” e “Scienze della vita” – Procedura SPORTELLO. OPUSNET accompagna le aziende nelle procedure (negoziale e a sportello) di accesso alle agevolazioni. Contattaci qui per ulteriori informazioni. Bando Fabbrica intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze vita Bando …

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EU plans to close the gap in high-performance computing

None of the world’s 10 most powerful super computers are currently in the EU, even though our researchers need them to use big data and advance scientific discoveries. On 19 June Parliament’s industry committee voted in favour of supporting a plan to acquire and develop European high-performance computers that would rank among the world’s top …

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More links for newbies

You know nothing about Geo-Engineering and Weather Warfare? Well, you can start search from our database and the Centre for Research on Globalization. Try: Weather and Warfare, Geo-Engineering, and HAARP. Another useful source of leaks and deep analysis is the Gianni Lannes blog.

Europe: Horizon 2020 Calls for SMEs’ Innovation

Boosting the Investment-Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps The aim of the call is to facilitate the interaction of potential investors with innovative SMEs and small midcaps participating in FP7 or Horizon 2020, together with preparing firms and entrepreneurs to negotiate more effectively with such investors. In a complementary manner, investors will be trained to better …

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Europe: calls

Innovation and RTD ICT EU-Brazil Coordinated call for small and medium projects in the FP7 Cooperation Programme. Deadline: 12.12.2012. FET Open Xtrack call for Future and emerging technologies in small and medium projects in the FP7 Cooperation Programme. Deadline: 29.01.2013. Environment 2 October 2012 is the final date to submit LIFE+ proposals 2012 to the …

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Europe: RTD and innovation calls

A budget of €705.5 is allocated to FP7 – ICT Call 2010, open until 15 January 2013. The submission session is now available for: ICT-2013.9.7, ICT-2013.9.8, ICT-2013.10.3, ICT-2013.11.1, ICT-2013.11.3, ICT-2013.11.4, ICT-2013.11.5, ICT-2013.1.2, ICT-2013.12.1, ICT-2013.1.3, ICT-2013.1.5, ICT-2013.1.6, ICT-2013.1.7, ICT-2013.2.1, ICT-2013.2.2, ICT-2013.3.3, ICT-2013.3.4, ICT-2013.4.1, ICT-2013.5.1, ICT-2013.5.2, ICT-2013.5.3, ICT-2013.5.4, ICT-2013.5.5, ICT-2013.6.5, ICT-2013.8.1, ICT-2013.9.6. EUROSTARS Progamme’s next cut-off deadline …

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