Category: Aerospace

Partito il razzo cinese verso Marte

  I cinesi anticipano gli statunitensi nel lancio di razzi verso Marte. Ma la competizione tra USA e CIna non si ferma a quella nello spazio. Sul COVID-19 e vaccini ancora scintille che portano ad escalation della tensione dopo la chiusura del consolato cinese di Houston. Riuscirà la calma Zen sinora mostrata dai cinesi ad …

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5G: the Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History

The latest publication by Ronald Neil Kostoff exposes the 5G debate to a new light. As it is one of the largest experiments using the world population as Guinea-pigs.

New plan for global video surveillance announced

After the world conquer by the most diffused and leaked operating system named Windows, Bill Gates never rests. And launches a new plan for global surveillance made in US: a network of 500 satellites capable of real-time coverage of human activity and movement around the globe.