Tag: Propaganda

Guerra del grano: i veri motivi e gli artefici. Le quattro sorelle e i loro fiancheggiatori

La portata e la dimensione delle fake news legate alla propaganda conseguente alla situazione in Ucraina ha raggiunto vette sinora impensabili. La crisi delle materie prime, in atto da anni, è ormai attribuita alla guerra, esclusivamente o quasi. Ma la situazione è ben diversa. Ecco come stanno le cose in te,ma di cibo, in particolare …

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Need political propaganda? Ask Facebook Global Government and Politics Team

Control over fake news and radical propaganda is been recently set at the top of NATO Countries’ political agenda -a significant test of such strategy is currently run by the Italian government, where the political elections will be held in March, 4. Unfortunately, in order to make such strategy successful, they should start from inhibiting …

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The Clinton system to discredit Trump

David Brock is considered to be one of the masters of agit-pro. He worked for the Republicans and the Democrats, and is allegedly at work against Donal Trump. Read this interesting article by T. Meyssan on Voltairenet.org.