Category: Bioeconomy

ISDE chiede di fermare gli incentivi per la combustione di biomasse

Al via la battaglia dell’Associazione Medici per l’Ambiente contro la combustione delle biomasse e i relativi incentivi. Basandosi sulla innegabile evidenza scientifica, che OPUSNET sottolinea da oltre quindici anni, l’Associazione punta il dito contro l’utilizzo improprio delle biomasse e la ‘corsa’ alla combustione che si è accesa nel nostro Paese grazie agli incentivi pubblici che …

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First World Bioeconomy Forum in Finland

First World Bioeconomy Forum held in Ruka, Finland, 11-13 September 2018, gets a positive start – future EU budget doubles to Euro 10 billion. “This large increase is recognition that we are in an economy that is becoming more and more dependent on biological resources to produce food, energy and material in a way that …

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Third EEA report on bioeconomy

The report The circular economy and the bioeconomy — Partners in sustainability was issued by EEA at the end of August 2018. It addresses circularity aspects of bio-based products and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, and shows the strong links between the two policy agendas, such as in objectives and areas of intervention, …

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