Tag: Euro

L’Italia non è la maglia nera d’Europa…

E’ sostenibile il debito pubblico italiano? Stiamo messi così male da rappresentare un pericolo per la costruzione europea? Qualche dato per aiutare a capire il reale stato delle cose e le prospettive, da Saker Italia.

Trust in the Union and optimism about the future is growing

Optimism about the economy and strong support for the euro goes with raising trust in the European Union. The full report and press release here.  

Germany’s halt to €5tn bank guarantee idea

An ambitious blueprint to guarantee the whole amount of deposits in eurozone banks have been stopped by German objections, Financial Times revealed today. EU officials agreed a eurozone banking union with regulation and control shifted to Brussels, and the guarantee over deposits was intended as a first move in that direction. In the first drafts …

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