April 21, 2015 archive

Greece in the arms of Russia and China

Following the “suggestion” from rhe Germany’s finance minister Wolfgang Schauble who said the Greeks are free to pursue deals with Russia and China as they rush to avoid an impending bankruptcy, the Greek Government is to sign an agreement with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, after the many deals China closed in logistics and industry …

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Financial engineering is back, International Monetary Fund warns

“IMF tells regulators to brace for global liquidity shock”, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard report on The Telegraph. “Investors are borrowing money to buy shares on the US stockmarket at a torrid pace and are resorting to the same sorts of financial engineering that preceded the last two financial crises. (…) The report said there are clear signs …

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Fondo di Garanzia PMI: circolare di rettifica dell’efficacia contributiva

E’ stata emanata la Circolare n. 6 del 30 marzo 2015 con la quale Banca del Mezzogiorno – MedioCredito Centrale, mandataria del RTI gestore, comunica l’aggiornamento dei quadri riassuntivi dell’efficacia contributiva degli interventi del Fondo di Garanzia per le Pmi di cui alla Parte VII delle Disposizioni Operative. La variazione fa seguito alla rettifica del …

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