Dollar hegemony and the Iran nuclear issue

A useful historical compendium of the last two decades is in the article by Peter Koenig on the Information Clearing House website, reminding how the most crucial moves in Middle East, including the last “wars for democracy”, might be strictly related to another war: the one for dollar supremacy in the world. The conclusions are diametrical to those of Michel Chossudovsky on the Dollar eegemony and its threats (see the last post) but worth of interest anyway.

“In 2007 Iran was about to launch the Iranian Oil Bourse (IOB) – an international hydrocarbon exchange, akin to a stock exchange, where all countries, hydrocarbon producers or not, could trade this (still) chief energy source in euros, as an alternative to the US dollar. This, of course would have meant the demise of dollar hegemony. (…) When Saddam Hussein announced in the late 1990’s that he would sell Iraq’s petrol in euros, as soon as the embargo would end in 2000, a reason had to be found to invade his country. The WMD menace that never existed was sold around the world, including at the UN Security Council, and – bingo – the western media killing machine had created a motive for invading Iraq and to murder Saddam. As if this wasn’t enough, he was suddenly linked to 9/11 – and big miracle, Americans bought even this lie.

Muammar Gadhafi was another victim for asserting his country’s sovereignty. He announced a new hard currency for Africa, the Gold Dinar, backed by Libyan gold. Libyan and African hydrocarbons could henceforth be traded in an alternative currency to the dollar, the Gold Dinar. Gadhafi also intended to free Africans from the western predatory telephone giants, by introducing a Libya sponsored low-price mobile network throughout Africa. Gadhafi was atrociously murdered by CIA handlers on 20 October 2011. Libya today is a hotbed of civil unrest and murder. Iran’s case is a bit more complicated…

Continue reading the article here.